the hollin hills forum

The Hollin Hills Forum is an online, privately-moderated discussion group open exclusively to Hollin Hillers. Originally launched by Tom Fina and Alan Warshawer in April 2004 as The Hollin Hills Open Forum, it was “intended to offer to any resident of Hollin Hills a way to express views, ask information, and provide information to the community.”

Sign up or get more information here.

Once you sign up, you’ll receive all the participants’ postings via email, and be able to comment or post new items yourself.

The Forum is currently co-moderated by Alan Warshawer and Dennis Brown.

Note: The Civic Association of Hollin Hills has no affiliation with the privately-moderated Hollin Hills Forum, and views expressed on the Forum do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Civic Association.


It’s easy to join the Hollin Hills Forum. Just send an email to: and “cc” to

Do not enter a subject

In the body of the email, enter your name and address as:

Last Name, First Name

Street Address

City, State, Zip

If not a resident of Hollin Hills, state your reasons for wanting to join this Forum.

You will then receive a message noting your request from and asking you to confirm it by replying to that email.

If you do not receive this message, email us at and include a copy of your subscription request.


Once a member, you can set your preferences (each message, daily digest, no email etc) by going to:


To send a message to the Forum, address it to:


All messages sent to the Forum are retained in the Hollin Hills Forum archives.

To find a previously sent message, or to search for all messages of a kind, go to:

There you will see all messages in chronological order, which you can search by entering a term in the “Search” box.


Please read the complete Forum Guidelines at:

We encourage the participation of all of our Hollin Hills community. Posts to the Forum will not be edited but all members are requested to follow the Guidelines listed below.

1. We require that the full name, first and last, of the writer be on each message to the Forum.  If the full name is not in the message heading, it must be signed with the member's first and last name. Anonymous posting will be rejected. Do not assume that everyone knows who "John on Rebecca" is.

2. All posts must be civil in tone and language. Flames will be rejected. The Forum is for friends and neighbors. Regardless of how deeply felt ones views are, please remember that messages must remain civil and be about ideas, not people. One may vigorously attack the ideas in a Forum post, and present a reasoned argument for a different viewpoint, but a post attacking an individual or impugning an individual's motives will not be forwarded to the Forum. We want everyone in the Forum to be friends as well as neighbors

3. The Forum is a haven of non-commercialism.

• Commercial advertising is not permitted. This includes signature sections showing a commercial affiliation.

• Fund raising messages for charitable organizations, schools, governmental or non-governmental organizations will not be posted.

• Exception: Members of the Forum may post messages to sell their house or messages regarding give-aways, or sale of personal property of the writer. Members may not post messages for sale of property of non-Forum  friends.

4. Members who have used professional or commercial services or products may send a post to the Forum recommending (or not recommending) such services or products to assist other Forum members providing they have no financial interest or institutional affiliation.

5. Some practices to avoid.

"Thank You" messages should be avoided.

• Please do not add on to a Forum message to send a message on an entirely different topic. This makes searching for information in conversation threads and in the archives very difficult/impossible. Instead start a new message with a new relevant subject line.

• Remember that if you send a message to the Forum and also address it to or “cc” it to members, they will receive two copies to deal with and delete.

• It is good practice to truncate messages with many prior messages ( each of which may contain prior messages). Delete anything that is not germane to your message.

– Alan Warshawer